Seasonal employment in the USA
Plotësimi i aplikacionit DS-260
Informim për caktimin e terminit në Ambasadën Amerikane
Asistencë rreth caktimit të terminit në spital
Përgatitja e dokumenteve për termin
Asistencë për pagesën e Tarifës së Imigrantit të USCIS
Then meet with us to find out more about Work and Travel in the USA
To be part of the program you have to make the first payment of $200
We will set a job interview with the sponsor and employer (if applicable)
If you have been accepted by the employer, you can sign the contract
After signing the contract you have to make the second payment
After signing the contract you have to make the second payment
After signing the contract you have to make the second payment
Second payment
Plotësimi i aplikacionit DS-260
Informim për caktimin e terminit në Ambasadën Amerikane
Asistencë rreth caktimit të terminit në spital
Përgatitja e dokumenteve për termin
Asistencë për pagesën e Tarifës së Imigrantit të USCIS
After that, we will get the documents ready for DS-2019. You need these documents
After that, we will get the documents ready for DS-2019. You need these documents
After that, we will get the documents ready for DS-2019. You need these documents
Application form
Most sponsoring organizations will have their own specific application form that you need to fill out.
A copy of your passport information page. The passport must be valid for at least six months beyond your intended stay in the U.S.
Proof of English Proficiency
Evidence of your ability to speak and understand English. This could be a TOEFL or IELTS score report, a letter from an English teacher, or an interview with your sponsoring organization.
An up-to-date resume or curriculum vitae detailing your educational and professional background.
Educational documents
Copies of your academic transcripts, diplomas, or certificates from the institutions you have attended, proof of student status.
Previous J-1 Visa documents (if applicable)
If you have previously participated in a J-1 program, you may need to provide copies of your previous DS-2019 forms and J-1 visas.
When you receive your DS-2019 you will have to make the third payment
When you receive your DS-2019 you will have to make the third payment
When you receive your DS-2019 you will have to make the third payment
Third payment
Plotësimi i aplikacionit DS-260
Informim për caktimin e terminit në Ambasadën Amerikane
Asistencë rreth caktimit të terminit në spital
Përgatitja e dokumenteve për termin
Asistencë për pagesën e Tarifës së Imigrantit të USCIS
We will make the visa appointment for you where you will have to go for the interview
Then we will get the documents ready for your interview at the U.S. Embassy
Documents you need to bring for your interview at the embassy
Documents you need to bring for your interview at the embassy
Documents you need to bring for your interview at the embassy
Valid for at least six months beyond your intended stay in the U.S.
Certificate of Eligibility for Exchange Visitor Status issued by your program sponsor.
DS-160 confirmation
Printed confirmation page with the barcode from the online nonimmigrant visa application.
One recent photograph that meets the U.S. visa photo requirements, if the photo upload failed during the DS-160 submission.
SEVIS Fee payment receipt
Proof of payment of the SEVIS I-901 fee.
Visa appointment confirmation
Printed confirmation of your visa interview appointment.
Job offer
If you have a pre-arranged job, bring the letter from your U.S. employer detailing the terms of your employment.
Student status
Official confirmation of enrollment in a university.
Transcript of grades
Official records of academic performance in a university.
Family financial records (If applicable)
Family financial records, such as bank statements and proof of income, demonstrate your family's ability to support your stay in the U.S.
After your visa has been approved you can plan your trip to the USA
The last step is to join our pre-departure orientation where we will inform you about everything you need before you leave
Work and travel USA program
Plotësimi i aplikacionit DS-260
Informim për caktimin e terminit në Ambasadën Amerikane
Asistencë rreth caktimit të terminit në spital
Përgatitja e dokumenteve për termin
Asistencë për pagesën e Tarifës së Imigrantit të USCIS